9.5 Principal loading analysis

(Bauer and Drabant 2021)

# devtools::install_github("Ronho/prinvars")
pla(OECDGrowth,cor=TRUE,thresholds = 0.5)
## Explained Variances for each block with threshold 0.5 and mode cutoff :
## Block 1: Features (randd) explain 5.76% of the overall explained variance
## Block 2: Features (gdp85, gdp60) explain 46.07% of the overall explained variance
## Block 3: Features (invest, school, popgrowth) explain 48.17% of the overall explained variance
## All blocks together explain 100% of the total variance.
## Loadings:
##           [,1]   [,2]   [,3]   [,4]   [,5]   [,6]  
## gdp85      0.585                              0.743
## gdp60      0.536                             -0.622
## invest            0.565 -0.645                     
## school                  -0.588  0.701              
## randd                                  0.790       
## popgrowth        -0.748
pla_obj = pla(OECDGrowth,cor=TRUE,thresholds = 0.5)
pla.drop_blocks(pla_obj, c(1)) ## drop block 1
## $x
##                        gdp85       gdp60        invest       school     popgrowth
## Canada           6115.363636  3444.18182 -3.438636e-02  0.015136364  0.0095954545
## USA              8069.363636  7447.18182 -4.888636e-02  0.028136364  0.0052954545
## Japan             724.363636 -4268.81818  7.721364e-02  0.018136364  0.0022954545
## Austria          -298.636364 -1089.81818 -5.786364e-03 -0.010863636 -0.0065045455
## Belgium           -68.636364  -307.81818 -2.408636e-02  0.002136364 -0.0056045455
## Denmark          2461.363636  1598.18182  2.913636e-03  0.016136364 -0.0043045455
## Finland           831.363636  -286.81818  9.661364e-02  0.024136364 -0.0025045455
## France           1601.363636   733.18182  8.613636e-03 -0.001863636 -0.0002045455
## Germany          1024.363636   902.18182  2.091364e-02 -0.006863636 -0.0051045455
## Greece          -7452.636364 -5752.81818 -8.636364e-05 -0.011863636 -0.0031045455
## Ireland         -4890.636364 -3462.81818 -8.863636e-04  0.023136364  0.0003954545
## Italy            -889.636364 -1830.81818  2.531364e-02 -0.019863636 -0.0037045455
## Netherlands        -7.636364  1091.18182 -9.686364e-03  0.016136364  0.0036954545
## Norway           5162.363636    60.18182  6.081364e-02  0.009136364 -0.0033045455
## Portugal        -9019.636364 -5951.81818 -2.778636e-02 -0.032863636 -0.0041045455
## Spain           -5068.636364 -4000.81818 -6.886364e-03 -0.010863636 -0.0011045455
## Sweden           3881.363636  2447.18182 -2.498636e-02 -0.011863636 -0.0070045455
## Switzerland      5483.363636  5615.18182  2.561364e-02 -0.042863636 -0.0017045455
## Turkey         -11794.636364 -6032.81818 -5.628636e-02 -0.035863636  0.0169954545
## United Kingdom     89.363636  1087.18182 -8.188636e-02 -0.001863636 -0.0068045455
## Australia        3672.363636  3907.18182  2.421364e-02  0.007136364  0.0098954545
## New Zealand       374.363636  4652.18182 -2.058636e-02  0.028136364  0.0068954545
## $conditional_matrix
##          [,1]
## [1,] 1.550556
pla.keep_blocks(pla_obj, c(2,3)) ## keep block 2 and block 3
## $x
##                        gdp85       gdp60        invest       school     popgrowth
## Canada           6115.363636  3444.18182 -3.438636e-02  0.015136364  0.0095954545
## USA              8069.363636  7447.18182 -4.888636e-02  0.028136364  0.0052954545
## Japan             724.363636 -4268.81818  7.721364e-02  0.018136364  0.0022954545
## Austria          -298.636364 -1089.81818 -5.786364e-03 -0.010863636 -0.0065045455
## Belgium           -68.636364  -307.81818 -2.408636e-02  0.002136364 -0.0056045455
## Denmark          2461.363636  1598.18182  2.913636e-03  0.016136364 -0.0043045455
## Finland           831.363636  -286.81818  9.661364e-02  0.024136364 -0.0025045455
## France           1601.363636   733.18182  8.613636e-03 -0.001863636 -0.0002045455
## Germany          1024.363636   902.18182  2.091364e-02 -0.006863636 -0.0051045455
## Greece          -7452.636364 -5752.81818 -8.636364e-05 -0.011863636 -0.0031045455
## Ireland         -4890.636364 -3462.81818 -8.863636e-04  0.023136364  0.0003954545
## Italy            -889.636364 -1830.81818  2.531364e-02 -0.019863636 -0.0037045455
## Netherlands        -7.636364  1091.18182 -9.686364e-03  0.016136364  0.0036954545
## Norway           5162.363636    60.18182  6.081364e-02  0.009136364 -0.0033045455
## Portugal        -9019.636364 -5951.81818 -2.778636e-02 -0.032863636 -0.0041045455
## Spain           -5068.636364 -4000.81818 -6.886364e-03 -0.010863636 -0.0011045455
## Sweden           3881.363636  2447.18182 -2.498636e-02 -0.011863636 -0.0070045455
## Switzerland      5483.363636  5615.18182  2.561364e-02 -0.042863636 -0.0017045455
## Turkey         -11794.636364 -6032.81818 -5.628636e-02 -0.035863636  0.0169954545
## United Kingdom     89.363636  1087.18182 -8.188636e-02 -0.001863636 -0.0068045455
## Australia        3672.363636  3907.18182  2.421364e-02  0.007136364  0.0098954545
## New Zealand       374.363636  4652.18182 -2.058636e-02  0.028136364  0.0068954545
## $cc_matrix
##          [,1]
## [1,] 1.550556


Bauer, Jan O, and Bernhard Drabant. 2021. “Principal Loading Analysis.” Journal of Multivariate Analysis 184: 104754. https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.05215.