10.1 Técnicas
Técnica | Descrição |
Agrupamento (Clustering) | Clustering is the grouping of similar objects. (Hartigan 1975, 1) |
Classificação (Classification) | [A] classifier or a classification rule is a systematic way of predicting what class a case is in. (Breiman et al. 1984, 3) |
Regressão (Regression) | Regression analysis is a conceptually simple method for investigating functional relationships among variables. (Chatterjee and Hadi 2012, 1) |
Séries temporais (Time series) | Anything that is observed sequentially over time is a time series. (Rob J. Hyndman and Athanasopoulos 2021) |
Breiman, Leo, Jerome Friedman, Charles J Stone, and Richard A Olshen. 1984. Classification and Regression Trees. CRC press.
Chatterjee, Samprit, and Ali S Hadi. 2012. Regression Analysis by Example. John Wiley & Sons.
Hartigan, John A. 1975. Clustering Algorithms. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
———. 2021. Forecasting: Principles and Practice, 3rd Ed. OTexts. https://otexts.com/fpp3/.